Big Red Jellyfish

The big red jellyfish is found in some of the deepest parts of the sea and can grow to over 1 meter in length. As their name suggests, these creatures are red and are massive when compared to the normal jellyfish.

It has some ‘arms’ which it uses to capture its pre

Fangtooth Fish

This fish has some of the largest teeth in the fish family coupled with a terrifying look. Its body can measure up to 15 cm long thereby making its teeth disproportionally larger than its body. It has been located as far deep as 5,000 meters below the surface. However, apart from its terrifying look and fang-like teeth, the fangtooth fish is completely harmless to humans.

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Prairie Pigeon

The prairie pigeon, also known as the Eskimo curlew, has been on the endangered animal list for a very long time.  This shorebird nests in...

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